A bamboo guiro crafted for playing with Gamba Grave and Gambazinho.

Installed size: 60 Mb

236 Samples

1 Instrument

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Celdo Braga fashioned an instrument from Tucumã and Inajá straws, along with a legume. The instrument contains a Fabacea inside that produces a shaker sound.

Installed size: 59 Mb

99 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Celdo Braga created an instrument using Tucumã, Inajá straws, and a legume. The instrument has a Fabacea inside that generates the shaker sound.

Installed size: 55 Mb

164 Samples

1 Set

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Crafted from a gourd and snail shells, this instrument mimics the clamor of the Piriquitos bird.

Installed size: 42 Mb

9 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

An animal skin is stretched over a coconut shell to create this shaker, which also contains seeds inside. The resulting combination of percussion and shaker produces a unique sound.

Installed size: 54 Mb

535 Samples

1 Instrument

5 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

In the Amazon region, it is also referred to as Saterê-Mawé and produces a lovely sound using Inhambé seeds.

Installed size: 64 Mb

192 Samples

1 Instrument

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Considered a "natural instrument", this item is derived from the Favamaraca legume tree. After being exposed to the sun for several days, the entire piece, including the seeds inside, dries out. It produces a unique shaker sound when played.

Installed size: 30 Mb

164 Samples

1 Instrument

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Abiurana seeds are used to create this rattle instrument, which is frequently employed to generate mystical background textures.

Installed size: 100 Mb

230 Samples

1 Instrument

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

This rattle instrument is crafted using seeds from the rubber tree, a producer of latex. It is often used to create mystical background textures.

Installed size: 125 Mb

212 Samples

1 Instrument

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

This double shaker is constructed from a gourd and features inserted sheets of paper and Tucumã beads.

Installed size: 35 Mb

201 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

This musical instrument is composed of a monkey nut, two wooden pieces, and a Guava wood rod. By striking each side of the nut with the wooden pieces, the instrument produces a sound resembling that of a woodpecker.

Installed size: 19 Mb

19 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

This instrument consists of a circular gourd connected to a blade, which is also made of gourd, through rubber bands. By pulling the blade, the elastic bands rub against the top of the blade, resulting in the production of sound.

Installed size: 23 Mb

78 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

This musical instrument is utilized in both the Batucada and Marujada festivals in Parintins, as well as during the Brazilian Carnaval.

Installed size: 61 Mb

155 Samples

3 Instruments

5 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

This percussion instrument is crafted using the chestnut of a tree bearing the same name. It is then wrapped with straw made of Tucumã or Inajá. The interior of the instrument is filled with multiple beads, which create the shaker sound when played.

Installed size: 45 Mb

316 Samples

1 Instrument

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

The Triple Check is a percussion instrument made by combining a gourd, Tucumã leaf, and beads inside. It earns its name from its unique capability to generate three different sounds.

Installed size: 450 Mb

260 Samples

1 Instrument

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required