Introducing three unique Amazonian whistles, each with its distinct purpose and sound.
The Apito de Embolo is a whistle crafted from Amazonian wood. It features a plunger that regulates the internal air column, allowing for the production of a distinctive ascending or descending sound. This whistle is commonly used to create sound effects that replicate the calls of birds found in the rainforest.
The Apito de Grilo, on the other hand, was created to imitate the sound of crickets and birds in the Amazon. It's an excellent tool for musicians looking to incorporate the sounds of nature into their compositions.
The Apito de Mari is made using a Mari seed, a fruit found in the Northern region of Brazil. This whistle is used by natives during hunting expeditions to communicate with each other silently. By using a combination of notes, hunters can pinpoint the location of their prey without scaring it away.
Whether you're a musician or nature enthusiast, these small yet powerful instruments are perfect for incorporating the sounds of the Amazon into your music or daily life.

Installed size: 100 Mb

580 Samples

3 Instruments

3-4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Bacururú instruments mimic the sounds of two Amazonian frogs: the Ambô frog and the Bacururu. The Bacururu frog's mucus is used by natives for inducing trance in slightly injured individuals. These instruments serve a textural function and are used in combination with other percussion and texture instruments.

Installed size: 40 Mb

180 Samples

2 Instruments

3-4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

This instrument is made of a cardboard tube and a wooden piece, designed to mimic the sound of natives swinging on a net. It can be used as a unique texture to enhance other musical instruments.

Installed size: 10 Mb

60 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

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There are two remarkable instruments that replicate the vocalizations of the Guaríba monkey, also known as Bugio. One instrument is constructed with a cardboard rim, wooden top, and beads, while the other uses a gourd with a small opening and a pool ball inside.

Installed size: 98 Mb

51 Samples

1 Set

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

The fruit of Jatobá can be used to create a shaker that produces a sound resembling the call of the Bico de Braga bird.

Installed size: 26 Mb

6 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

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The origin of this instrument can be traced back to the concept of replicating the sound of rainwater dropping on a straw house. It is crafted using gourd discs that overlap each other.

Installed size: 64 Mb

15 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Crafted from a wooden frame, two wooden tops, and beads placed inside, this instrument is designed to imitate the soothing sound of waves. It works wonders as a background element, creating a relaxing texture.

Installed size: 160 Mb


1 Set

4 Microphones

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Inspired by an Amazonian vine that stores water, this massive instrument comprises of a water-filled rod. It was created with the intention of providing hydration to travelers in the forest, much like the vine it was modeled after.

Installed size: 43 Mb


1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Crafted with the purpose of emulating the sound of boat engines traversing through the Amazonian rivers, this instrument is constructed using a cardboard frame and a rod fitted with beads along its diameter.

Installed size: 32 Mb

15 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

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The Ocarina is a widely popular instrument in South America and is especially favored by the indigenous people of Brazil. It produces a mellifluous sound and is ideal for creating textural layers in music. The Ocarina dos Pássaros, a soprano variation of the instrument, is specifically crafted to mimic the bird calls of species such as the Toucan.

Installed size: 45 Mb

588 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Two instruments were created to imitate the sound of rain falling in the forest. Both of them feature a wooden rod with beads that produce a similar sound to that of rainfall.

Installed size: 85 Mb

90 Samples

1 Set

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Crafted to imitate the sound of a paddle in the Black River, this instrument features a Jupatí rod and a cedar-topped gourd filled with beads. The unique combination of these materials produces a sound similar to that of a paddle slicing through the water.

Installed size: 24 Mb

78 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

The Sapos is a unique instrument consisting of a gourd with three openings and a balloon placed inside. When the musician rubs the balloon with wet fingers, it produces a sound similar to that of frogs.
On the other hand, the Sapo Cururú is a handcrafted sculpture created by natives using high-quality Amazon wood. The instrument produces sound by rubbing a wooden stick against the back of the wooden frog.
Lastly, the Prerecas Verdes is an instrument made using Maárup wood and coconuts, named after the characteristic sound it produces, similar to that of frogs.

Installed size: 130 Mb

618 Samples

3 Instruments

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

The Tambor de Mola is a gourd-shaped instrument made of Cedar wood, which has a spring attached to its base. When the instrument is spun, the spring vibrates, and the sound can be manipulated through the opening in the bowl.
Trovão de Mola and Tambor de Trovão are spring drums that feature a stretched skin and spring attached to them. By moving the instrument in the correct manner, it produces the sound of thunder.
The Tambor Sideral is a unique spring drum created by Celdo Braga. The instrument is crafted by clamping a baby gourd, which matures into a special shape and produces a distinct sound due to the clamp's influence.

Installed size: 190 Mb

165 Samples

4 Instruments

3-5 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Caixinha, a modified version of a snare drum, is commonly played during festivals throughout the Amazon region. Referred to as Tarol, it can produce varied tones when used with one or two mats.

Installed size: 18 Mb


1 Instrument

4 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

An instrument was crafted to mimic the distinctive sound of the renowned Uru bird.

Installed size: 41 Mb


1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required

Brooms made from Piaçava, hailing from the municipality of Barcelos in the Amazonas region.

Installed size: 26 Mb

72 Samples

1 Instrument

3 Microphones

Full Kontakt 6 (or later) Required